Spring flowers for the balcony and garden: what to buy

Spring flowers for the balcony and garden: what to buy

The arrival of spring is eagerly awaited by most. It coincides with a renewed sense of energy, a desire to be outdoors, and the moment in which those with so-called green fingers can breathe new life into their gardens or balconies by planting spring flowers.

Thanks to this guide, you’ll find out what to plant in March and which flowers are best for a beautiful and colourful balcony or garden in full bloom.

What to plant in spring: tips and tricks


As the name suggests, primroses are the first flower to naturally emerge in meadows and gardens. It is a springtime flower par excellence that can be grown both in the ground and in pots. Taking care of primroses is relatively easy, but they do, as with everything, require a fair amount of attention: they are resilient flowers that should be planted in semi-shady areas, positioned away from heat and draughts. Primroses should be watered regularly, but not excessively so.


Spring crocuses, not to be confused with their autumn counterparts, should be planted in March, the month most synonymous with springtime. The plant grows from a bulb, and once in bloom, will flaunt brightly coloured flowers that will add a touch of pizazz to any garden or balcony: they can in fact be planted directly in the ground or in pots. If well cared for, crocuses can reach a height of 20 cm. This flower thrives in mixed soil, comprising sand, topsoil and peat. The soil therefore takes care of the flowers for the most part, maintaining the correct level of humidity and ensuring good drainage. Finally, crocuses require infrequent watering and should ideally be positioned out of the wind and planted in areas where temperature fluctuations are kept to a minimum.


Alongside primroses, tulips are yet another flower that is synonymous with spring. These flowers are characterised by brilliant vivid colours, and grow from exceptionally resilient bulbs, making them suitable for various seasons. It's important to decide where you want to plant your tulip bulbs: if you intend to plant them in pots on the balcony, for instance, we recommend opting for the so-called early varieties that have shorter stems; if you intend to plant them in the garden, all varieties work well as height is no longer an issue. Tulips should be planted in well-ventilated semi-shady areas and, if possible, in a soil rich in nourishing substances that also offers good drainage. Once in bloom, water your tulips regularly every two days, taking care not to wet the petals.


Surfinia petunias are a man-made plant, created through a series of masterly crosses and hybrids. Surfinias were in fact developed from the Petunia nyctaginiflora and the Petunia violacea. The latter provides the surfinia petals with their unique colour, making them especially suitable for porch-bound hanging baskets. They are characterised by a bushy, multi-branched plant that can reach heights of up to 60 cm.

Whether you’re planting them in pots or in the garden, it's good practice to plant your surfinias in non-calcareous fertile soil, rich in organic material if possible. The trick lies in the addition of sand and bark chippings to promote soil drainage. Surfinias are highly resilient plants that can continue to flower well into the autumn: they should be watered every 2-3 days in the spring and every day throughout the summer.


Daisies are a classic garden flower that thrives on its own accord in all meadows and gardens with the arrival of spring. If you want to pot them up to bring a little cheer to your balcony, the operation is simple: take some earth so as to create a clay-rich base and soft surface, and water regularly. Daisies need lots of sunlight, so keep your pot in full sun, sheltered from the wind.

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