It’s Pasta Day!

It’s Pasta Day!

Pasta. One of the most popular and widespread foods in the world. Italy can be considered its true homeland howevercountless recipes and versions can be found on the tablesof homes across the world. . This month, on Pasta Day (celebrated annually on October 25), discover some of its most famous recipes together with Candy!

Carbonara (Lazio)

Pasta alla carbonara, along with pasta all’amatriciana, is one of the symbolic dishes of Rome. Traditionally made with spaghetti or rigatoni, it combines three typical ingredients of Lazio cuisine: bacon, eggs and pecorino. To prevent the yolk from turning into an omelette, it is best to mix it raw with pecorino, strictly away from the heat. According to the Italian Academy of Cuisine, it is also the most faked Italian dish in the world.

Bolognese ragù (Emilia Romagna)

Usually served with egg tagliatelle, Bolognese ragù is a meat sauce that originated in the countryside around the Emilian capital and then spread all over the world. The traditional recipe uses mixed minced meat (beef and pork) and several vegetables (celery, carrot, onion and tomato), combined with a little milk at the end of cooking to dilute the acidity of the tomatoes and to improve the consistency of the sauce. For a perfect result, it should be cooked for no less than 3 hours over a very low heat.

Pesto (Liguria)

Distinguished by its unmistakable green colour, pesto is a vegetable sauce that originates from Liguria. It is made by crushing raw basil, salt, pine nuts and garlic, combined with extra virgin olive oil and Parmesan cheese. It perfectly combines with every type of pasta, but the ideal combination is with ‘trofie’, a thin and elongated pasta from the Province of Genoa.

Tomato and basil (Campania)

Simple and tasty in equal measure, tomato and basil sauce is the most famous and widespread pasta recipe in the world, traditionally combined with spaghetti. In addition to the highly fragrant aromatic herb, it just takes some fresh cherry tomatoes (in summer) or peeled tomato pulp (in winter) to make it and to enjoy all the taste of Italy. Simply unique!

And to cook the perfect pasta meal check out Candy’s range of hobs!

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