Combined or side-by-side fridge freezers

Combined vs side-by-side fridge freezers: how to choose

Useful advice and information for choosing the right fridge freezer for your needs: main features and differences between a combined fridge freezer and a side-by-side one.

Combined fridge freezer: why it is popular

Combined fridge freezers have been very successful for years in terms both of storing food and of space and furnishing style. Their main feature gives them their name: combined fridge freezers have two compartments, with the fridge compartment on top of the freezer compartment. Originally, combined fridge freezers had one motor per compartment. Nowadays, as technology has evolved, combined fridge freezers are much more powerful than their predecessors and have a lower energy impact.

Candy combined fridge freezers have just one motor, which powers both compartments, while most Candy products control temperature from a single thermostat which lets you adjust the temperatures of the fridge and freezer compartments independently.

Combined fridge freezers: measurements

Energy savings and smaller size than a side-by-side fridge freezer are some of the strengths of combined fridge freezers. They have been designed especially for consumers without large kitchens but who still want the volume that a combined fridge freezer provides to meet the needs of the whole family. Candy combined fridge freezers range from a minimum width of 54 cm to a height of up to around 200 cm.

Side-by-side fridge freezers: advantages and disadvantages

Side-by-side fridge freezers, also known as American fridge freezers from where they originated, look like a kind of two-door cupboard, with doors of different widths. The left-hand door, when facing the fridge freezer, is narrower than the right-hand one and contains the freezer; the other is for the fridge. The two compartments are separated by a vertical dividing wall. Side-by-side fridge freezers are larger (Candy ones are more than 90 cm wide and more than 175 cm tall) and are intended for large, spacious kitchens. Because of their size and the space that they take up, these fridge freezers require more cleaning and maintenance.

Recently French door, also known as four-door, fridge freezers have arrived on the market as a variant of side-by-side fridge freezers; they have two doors for the fridge at the top and two drawers for the freezer in the lower part. This new four-door arrangement for fridge freezers means that the vertical dividing wall between the fridge and freezer compartments has disappeared, providing more space and convenience than ever before (Candy’s models are 70 cm wide and just over 180 cm tall). The cooling technology used in the Candy four-door models offers independent temperature control and a total no-frost system.

Combined or side-by-side fridge freezers: why to choose Candy

Candy is always investing in research, so it produces and markets some of the best combined and side-by-side fridge freezers on the market. Some of Candy’s cooling products also have connectivity to make them stand out from their competitors in the sector. These appliances use Candy’s simply-Fi app, available for iOS and Android, and can be managed remotely from your smartphone or tablet simply and quickly. See online the full range of Candy fridge freezers and choose the combined or side-by-side model that you like the best and is most suited to your needs.

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