Voice control: control your appliances using your voice

Sprachsteuerung: bedienen sie ihre geräte einfach mit ihrer stimme

Smart Home. A concept that is increasingly becoming part of our daily lives, revolutionising the way we interface with home technology and housework. This is also thanks to the fact that in the last few years the prices of smart devices for the home have fallen considerably, so they are no longer luxury items but rather accessories more and more households can afford.

Appliances with voice control, which can be operated from a smartphone, enabling remote control of the home, are no longer things we only see in Hollywood films, but are part of real life, just waiting for us to discover and use them!

Voice control is one of the most useful, intriguing functions smart appliances have to offer. Got your hands full making dinner but not sure of all the steps in the recipe? Not sure which wash cycle you should use for your favourite sweater? No problem! There are connected washing-machines and ovens that will meet your needs to perfection, such as the Rapid’Ó products and the first range of connected ovens. Let’s discover them together!


The Rapid’Ó washing-machine has a Wi-Fi connectivity system to make it even more convenient to use. Thanks to the Candy simply-Fi App, you’ll be able to talk to your washing-machine to access a whole series of recommendations and advice on ideal wash cycles, stain removal, and many other points.

Connected ovens

Just imagine: you’re making a gourmet pizza for dinner, you’ve got your hands in the dough, when suddenly you forget which ingredients  you neednext.  With the Candy connected oven, you can talk to your appliance and ask it about what you want to cook (or how) using just your voice. The simply-Fi App will reply with the right recipe or the advice you need.

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